Suggest België Nederzetting Parameters
Suggest a Belgium address field.
Opmerking: Dit is de documentatie voor de v2 API die nog in beta is.
This will give autocomplete suggestions for Belgian settlements. Settlements will be returned based on postnames, postnames are (unofficial) cities within a settlement, e.g: Laken is a postname in Brussel.
Vereiste parameters
Optionele parameters
(string): When specified, this ISO 639-1 language code determines in which language the accompanied input filters will be applied. It does not affect the output languages. When unspecified, input filters are applied to all languages.settlement
(string): The address's settlement (city, town, village, or hamlet)postalCode
(string): The address's postal code which can be up to four digits longmaxResults
(integer): The amount of results returned, a number between 0 and 999.cursor
(string): The page to return, the variables for the next/previous pages can be found in the results Link header.
: This is the Authorization key. You have to add it as a GET parameter.
Your auth key can be found on the CMS.